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Thomas C. Settlemire

Affiliation: Biology, Biochemistry
Research Professor of Biology and Biochemistry Emeritus

Immunology, Microbiology, Biochemical Endocrinology, Science of Nutrition

Research: My students and I have been interested in early biochemical processes associated with the activation of B-lymphocytes. In particular, we have been examining early message systems involving changes in intracellular ions, in particular magnesium and calcium, and how these changes may influence the early transcription factor, Nf- k B.
I also have an interest in developing applied genetic tools for use in animal agriculture for the purpose of improved production and increased profitability. In particular, I have several projects working with the sheep industry to improve meat and wool production.

Other Interests: Border Collies, Fly Fishing, Gardening.


  • PhD, North Carolina University
  • MS, Ohio State University
  • BS, Ohio State University